Our Commitment 

International Agreements Signed  

Principles for Sustainable Insurance
PSI Principles for Sustainable Insurance

MAPFRE has adhered to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance promoted by the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEPFI), which were presented at Rio+20 Sustainable Development summit in Río de Janeiro (Brazil).

This initiative seeks to bring into business management, as a risk and an opportunity, environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem degradation damage, water management and pollution; social aspects related to financial inclusion, human rights, health risks arising from development and population aging, and issues related to corporate governance, regulatory compliance, ethical management, conflicts of interest and transparency. These are referred to as the ESG factors, (Environmental, Social and Governance).

The table below shows the correlation among the UNEP FI Principles for Sustainabilityin insurance, their location in the Social Responsibility Annual Report  and the GRI V4 performance indicators we believe are associated with their implementation. 

Principles for sustainability in insurance