On November 29, 2024, the interim dividend against 2024 earnings was paid at 0.0653 euros per share before tax (0.0603 euros gross in 2023), after the amount corresponding to treasury stock had been applied to the remaining shares on a proportional basis. The total dividend paid out in the year was 0.155 euros per share (0.145 euros in 2023), giving a total remuneration of 477 million euros (446.5 million in 2023).
The final dividend for fiscal year 2024 aproved at the Annual General Meeting is 0.095 euros per share before tax. Consequently, the total dividend against fiscal year 2024 amounts to 0.16 euros per share before tax, representing a payout ratio of 50.9% (68.2% in fiscal year 2023).
*Total dividends against 2024 fiscal year includes the interim dividend of €0.065 paid in November and a final dividend of €0.095 approved at the AGM on March 14th
** Based on 2024 dividends paid and average share price
The General Shareholders’ Meeting held on March 14, 2025 approved the payment of a “participation dividend”, conditioned to the quorum of the General Shareholders’ Meeting reaching 81% of MAPFRE’s share capital. Given that the quorum for this meeting was 82.86%, the Board of Directors agreed that this dividend would be paid to all shareholders entitled to it (i.e. those who had MAPFRE shares registered in their name in the corresponding accounting records five days prior to the date of the General Shareholders’ Meeting) on March 19, 2025. The amount of the dividend amounts to 0.001506 euros gross per share, after having applied the amount corresponding to treasury shares to the remaining shares on a proportional basis.
This new initiative is part of MAPFRE’s drive to promote greater involvement and participation of retail shareholders in corporate decisions and corporate life.
Here you can find the information about the dividends approved by the Company in recent years.