Our stakeholders
We are aware of the importance of meeting all our stakeholders’ expectations, with whom we have made specific commitments and who we interact with through numerous relationship channels. That’s why we focus on creating and distributing value to all of them, through the development of our own business and our own social actions.
Committed to
Our employees
- We ensure a culture of respect, conduct that embraces and promotes diversity, and work spaces free of harassment and violent or offensive behavior toward people’s rights and dignity.
- We guarantee the right to effective equal opportunities and promote salary conditions that guarantee decent pay.
Our customers
- We provide honest advice and comprehensive information regarding the characteristics and qualities of our products and services before selling any policy.
- We maintain due confidentiality in the processing of customer data.
- We constantly innovate to provide accessible services and products with added value, facilitating and promoting access to insurance.
- We consistently improve customer experience and satisfaction, basic pillars that mark the transformation of all business processes.
Our providers
- We adopt responsible practices that generate mutual value.
- We ensure that the value chain complies with our values and principles and with the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Our shareholders
As part of the “MAPFRE SHAREHOLDERS. A Unique Value” plan, we are committed to strengthening our relationship with these stakeholders. That’s why, in addition to dividends and constant communication, we promote the “Club MAPFRE Accionista” customer loyalty program.
Our relationship with
Distributors, intermediaries, and collaborators
- We maintain permanent dialogue using the specific platforms and sales structures created for this purpose.
- We ensure selection and remuneration processes that value professional responsibilities and competences, along with other aspects that ensure the quality of the service provided.
- We implement a training model adapted to the needs of each distributor, paying special attention to training that focuses on compliance with MAPFRE values and strategy and the corporate social responsibility policy.
Regulatory and supervisory bodies
We conduct our business activities in full compliance with the regulations in force. Our relationship with regulatory bodies, authorities, and public administrations are governed by the principles of legality, trust, professionalism, and good faith in all the countries we operate in. We always remain neutral with respect to the different political formations in any country.
- To do so, we promote strict observance of the Institutional, Business, and Organizational Principles, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and the Anti-Corruption Policy, in addition to other internal regulations, at all times.
- MAPFRE collaborates and participates in think tanks and business and industry organizations and associations, helping it to obtain a more comprehensive and global view of the environment in which the insurance industry operates, as well as its impacts, risks, and opportunities and the key factors in an increasingly complex and interconnected economic and social reality.
- This collaboration with the institutional environment allows MAPFRE to share its vision and establish a legitimate, constructive, and transparent dialogue on issues related to regulation, insurance activity, sustainability, and the challenges associated with the global context and digital transformation, building strong relationships with its stakeholders, in general, and with regulatory authorities and bodies in particular. This relationship is also governed by the principle of transparency and by the codes and practices of good institutional governance.MAPFRE’s commitments to ensuring that institutional engagement with authorities, regulators, and legislators takes place responsibly and ethically are set out in the Framework for Responsible Institutional Engagement.
- As a member and patron of leading national and international insurance and financial institutions, in 2023, the Group contributed 2.7 million euros to share its vision in these organizations, including (based on the amount of contributions):
- European CFO Forum (contribución: 36,364 euros).
- The Geneva Association (81,400 euros).
- Institute of International Finance –IIF (40,500 euros).
- Likewise, through its participation in different national and international industry bodies, MAPFRE estimates that it allocates the following amounts to dialogue on these issues of influence in the international sphere: Competitiveness and CMU (658,318 euros), Digital and cyber (394,991 euros) and prudential regulation (263,227 euros).
- The Executive Committee, under mandate from the Board of Directors, assesses and approves on a yearly basis MAPFRE’s Global Map of Institutional Presence, which includes a comprehensive list of memberships, partnerships and alliances to many international and national institutions. Memberships to institutions specifically focused on sustainability and climate change are approved by three layers of governing bodies: first by the Sustainability Operating Committee; secondly, by the Executive Committee; and lastly, by the Risk and Sustainability Committee, which is one of the three delegate committees of the Board of Directors. Besides, MAPFRE’s membership to these and other organizations, such as the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), Geneva Association, UNEP FI, IIF, EFR, PEIF, CEOE and UNESPA, among others, allows the company to engage in different working groups focused on climate change and other related environmental challenges, which help identify upcoming policies and regulatory initiatives that may impact the company’s activities, while contributing to national and international relevant public debates on how to asses climate change risks.
More information on the institutions that MAPFRE is a member of can be found in the consolidated annual account.
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