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Madrid 2,88 EUR -0,01 (-0,35 %)

Natural Capital

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The rates of both ecosystem destruction and accelerated biodiversity loss are exacerbating the effects of climate change. This demands new metrics that include natural assets as part of an organizations’ decision making. At MAPFRE, we’ve approved the corporate greenhouse gas offsetting strategy. We included biodiversity conservation in our selection of carbon offset projects so that in the near future we will be able to quantify the offset of our environmental impact, both in CO2 and in Natural Capital.

By doing so, we’re ensuring a reversal of our negative impact on the environment.

Restoring ecosystems means preventing, halting, and reversing damage. Invest, but in green

Our projects

Learn about the main actions carried out by the company in terms of preservation of biodiversity, recovery of ecosystems and reforestation of degraded areas. Through these projects, from playing our part, we show our commitment to the protection of the planet and the fight against the loss of biodiversity and Natural Capital.




CO2 compensation

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