Natural Capital
The rates of both ecosystem destruction and accelerated biodiversity loss are exacerbating the effects of climate change. This demands new metrics that include natural assets as part of an organizations’ decision making. At MAPFRE, we’ve approved the corporate greenhouse gas offsetting strategy. We included biodiversity conservation in our selection of carbon offset projects so that in the near future we will be able to quantify the offset of our environmental impact, both in CO2 and in Natural Capital.
By doing so, we’re ensuring a reversal of our negative impact on the environment.
Our projects
Learn about the main actions carried out by the company in terms of preservation of biodiversity, recovery of ecosystems and reforestation of degraded areas. Through these projects, from playing our part, we show our commitment to the protection of the planet and the fight against the loss of biodiversity and Natural Capital.
Nuestros Proyectos
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Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Organization of workshops with local associations for the cleaning and recovery of natural areas, such as beaches, sea beds, swamps, mountains, natural parks, etc., with the collection and classification of abandoned waste in El Campello (Alicante), Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga), Pantano del Arquillo (Teruel), Collserola National Park (Barcelona), and Monte de los Pinares Aznalcázar (Seville), collecting and segregating a total of 716 kg of waste.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Organization of workshops with local associations for the cleaning and recovery of natural areas, such as beaches, sea beds, swamps, mountains, natural parks, etc., with the collection and classification of abandoned waste in El Campello (Alicante), Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga), Pantano del Arquillo (Teruel), Collserola National Park (Barcelona), and Monte de los Pinares Aznalcázar (Seville), collecting and segregating a total of 716 kg of waste.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of the River Itajai in the Paraná region in collaboration with INSTITUTO CRESCER with the collection and segregation of 7,000 kg of waste
Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of the River Itajai in the Paraná region in collaboration with INSTITUTO CRESCER with the collection and segregation of 7,000 kg of waste
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Waste collection workshops on river banks in the Martínez area (Buenos Aires) with the collection and segregation of 56 kg of waste.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Waste collection workshops on river banks in the Martínez area (Buenos Aires) with the collection and segregation of 56 kg of waste.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Workshops to clean natural spaces on the beaches of Lima and Callao, with the collection and segregation of 750 kg of waste
Cleaning of natural spaces

Workshops to clean natural spaces on the beaches of Lima and Callao, with the collection and segregation of 750 kg of waste
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleaning days in Puerto Vallarta and in the river area in Tijuana with the collection and segregation of 36 kg of waste
Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleaning days in Puerto Vallarta and in the river area in Tijuana with the collection and segregation of 36 kg of waste
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of natural spaces in Malta, on International Volunteer Day, with the collection and segregation of 80 kg of waste
Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of natural spaces in Malta, on International Volunteer Day, with the collection and segregation of 80 kg of waste
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning workshop to commemorate World Beach Day in the Capital District and the areas of Anzoategui, Aragua, and Carabobo, with the collection and segregation of 374 kg of waste
Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning workshop to commemorate World Beach Day in the Capital District and the areas of Anzoategui, Aragua, and Carabobo, with the collection and segregation of 374 kg of waste
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Volunteering actions to clean natural spaces with the collection and segregation of waste in the areas of Istanbul, Gaziantep, Bursa, and Konya
Cleaning of natural spaces

Volunteering actions to clean natural spaces with the collection and segregation of waste in the areas of Istanbul, Gaziantep, Bursa, and Konya
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation

Employees from VERTI participated in the “Urban gardening” task force, the aim of which was to raise awareness about the need to preserve native plants and animals. This group planted vegetables and fruit trees in green areas around the company’s facilities. This boosted the number of pollinators, helping to preserve biodiversity.
Habitat preservation

Employees from VERTI participated in the “Urban gardening” task force, the aim of which was to raise awareness about the need to preserve native plants and animals. This group planted vegetables and fruit trees in green areas around the company’s facilities. This boosted the number of pollinators, helping to preserve biodiversity.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation

‘Avoided deforestation’ project that has protected the Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ), as well as promoted sustainable land use by local communities, helped families diversify their income and develop quality of life plans, and strengthened relations with local and national government agencies. See Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation

‘Avoided deforestation’ project that has protected the Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ), as well as promoted sustainable land use by local communities, helped families diversify their income and develop quality of life plans, and strengthened relations with local and national government agencies. See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation

Sponsorship of trees located in front of the company’s main building in Teltow. By caring for them, volunteers actively contributed to conserving the urban landscape of Teltow and to the preservation of the city’s green areas, which include around 8,000 trees, as well as helping to reduce temperatures in the area.
Habitat preservation

Sponsorship of trees located in front of the company’s main building in Teltow. By caring for them, volunteers actively contributed to conserving the urban landscape of Teltow and to the preservation of the city’s green areas, which include around 8,000 trees, as well as helping to reduce temperatures in the area.
Nuestros Proyectos

Oaxaca IV Wind Farm Project in Mexico

Offsetting of the emissions generated by MAPFRE in Spain in 2021 through the purchase of carbon credits in a wind project developed by the Spanish firm Acciona in Oaxaca (Mexico). The project allows for the production of clean energy to supply nearly 700,000 homes, preventing 670,000 t CO2 eq from being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, it invests in projects with a positive impact on communities and biodiversity, including:
– An education and entrepreneurship program, contributing to the local economy.
– Initiatives for post-earthquake economic reactivation.
– Online scholarships with ITVCE University.
– Social cohesion through sport.
– Wildlife protection.
Through the purchase of carbon credits as part of this project, MAPFRE offset 15,404 tCO2 of its 2021 carbon footprint, in addition to the 3,000 tCO2 offset as part of the reforestation project in Spain, in Cercedo Cotobade (Pontevedra). See Compensation Certificate.
Oaxaca IV Wind Farm Project in Mexico

Offsetting of the emissions generated by MAPFRE in Spain in 2021 through the purchase of carbon credits in a wind project developed by the Spanish firm Acciona in Oaxaca (Mexico). The project allows for the production of clean energy to supply nearly 700,000 homes, preventing 670,000 t CO2 eq from being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, it invests in projects with a positive impact on communities and biodiversity, including:
– An education and entrepreneurship program, contributing to the local economy.
– Initiatives for post-earthquake economic reactivation.
– Online scholarships with ITVCE University.
– Social cohesion through sport.
– Wildlife protection.
Through the purchase of carbon credits as part of this project, MAPFRE offset 15,404 tCO2 of its 2021 carbon footprint, in addition to the 3,000 tCO2 offset as part of the reforestation project in Spain, in Cercedo Cotobade (Pontevedra). See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Compensation of the emissions of the celebration of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, with the planting of 470 trees in a burned area of a mountain of public utility that is included within the area of special conservation and special protection area of the birds of the Tietar valley (Mijares, Ávila). It is a project for the creation of forest sinks with an ecosystemic approach and registered with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain (MITECO).

Compensation of the emissions of the celebration of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, with the planting of 470 trees in a burned area of a mountain of public utility that is included within the area of special conservation and special protection area of the birds of the Tietar valley (Mijares, Ávila). It is a project for the creation of forest sinks with an ecosystemic approach and registered with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain (MITECO).
Nuestros Proyectos


Offsetting of 1,000 Mt of CO2 from the Group’s 2022 Carbon Footprint in Portugal, with the reforestation of 1,667 trees (cork oaks, Portuguese oaks, Pyrenean oaks, birch, ash, and alder) integrated into projects to conserve and promote native plant life and biodiversity sustainability of native species, in the protected areas of Serras da Freita e Arada -São Pedro do Sul (Viseu) and Sintra-Cascais Natural Park (Lisbon). See Compensation Certificate.

Offsetting of 1,000 Mt of CO2 from the Group’s 2022 Carbon Footprint in Portugal, with the reforestation of 1,667 trees (cork oaks, Portuguese oaks, Pyrenean oaks, birch, ash, and alder) integrated into projects to conserve and promote native plant life and biodiversity sustainability of native species, in the protected areas of Serras da Freita e Arada -São Pedro do Sul (Viseu) and Sintra-Cascais Natural Park (Lisbon). See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation days in Madrid and Malaga, in collaboration with non-profit associations dedicated to promoting sustainable development, to recover plant life and the fight against desertification, preventing land and forest degradation. This initiative saw 172 trees planted. During the workshops, 1-2 year old trees were planted manually using a hoe, carving out a hole, installing a protector, and outlining and protecting the tree pit with leaf litter, plant remains from the area, or stones, as well as watering the trees once in situ to help them take root.
This activity fosters plant life biodiversity in the areas with specimens of different native species, improving the ecosystem as a whole and offering more opportunities for shelter and food for wildlife.

Reforestation days in Madrid and Malaga, in collaboration with non-profit associations dedicated to promoting sustainable development, to recover plant life and the fight against desertification, preventing land and forest degradation. This initiative saw 172 trees planted. During the workshops, 1-2 year old trees were planted manually using a hoe, carving out a hole, installing a protector, and outlining and protecting the tree pit with leaf litter, plant remains from the area, or stones, as well as watering the trees once in situ to help them take root.
This activity fosters plant life biodiversity in the areas with specimens of different native species, improving the ecosystem as a whole and offering more opportunities for shelter and food for wildlife.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation actions in Colombia, planting 150 trees in the natural environment of Bogotá and a botanical garden in the capital city

Reforestation actions in Colombia, planting 150 trees in the natural environment of Bogotá and a botanical garden in the capital city
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation workshop in the Guayas natural reserve, with 20 trees planted

Reforestation workshop in the Guayas natural reserve, with 20 trees planted
Nuestros Proyectos


Offsetting of MAPFRE’s emissions in Spain in 2021, through reforestation and the creation of new comprehensive forest ecosystems in Pontevedra (Galicia), in an area that has suffered more than 3 fires over the past 10 years, with BIG DATA, SMART SEEDS, DRONES, and TRADITIONAL MANUAL PLANTING. The repopulation model used incorporates a belt of different species of hardwoods within its perimeter to create a natural barrier against a possible fire, while offering shelter to a multitude of species that are beneficial to the surrounding area. As part of this project, MAPFRE is directly involved in creating forest wealth to fight climate change and deforestation, in addition to generating local employment in this rural area, promoting the economy, tourism, and local development. As part of this initiative, 4874 trees were planted. See Compensation Certificate.

Offsetting of MAPFRE’s emissions in Spain in 2021, through reforestation and the creation of new comprehensive forest ecosystems in Pontevedra (Galicia), in an area that has suffered more than 3 fires over the past 10 years, with BIG DATA, SMART SEEDS, DRONES, and TRADITIONAL MANUAL PLANTING. The repopulation model used incorporates a belt of different species of hardwoods within its perimeter to create a natural barrier against a possible fire, while offering shelter to a multitude of species that are beneficial to the surrounding area. As part of this project, MAPFRE is directly involved in creating forest wealth to fight climate change and deforestation, in addition to generating local employment in this rural area, promoting the economy, tourism, and local development. As part of this initiative, 4874 trees were planted. See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation with the planting of 400 American pine specimens in a natural environment in the municipality of La Victoria.

Reforestation with the planting of 400 American pine specimens in a natural environment in the municipality of La Victoria.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation in the nursery of the Botanical Garden in Puerto Rico, with 100 specimens planted

Reforestation in the nursery of the Botanical Garden in Puerto Rico, with 100 specimens planted
Nuestros Proyectos


Offsetting of 1,000 Mt of CO2 from the Group’s 2021 Carbon Footprint in Portugal, with the reforestation of 1,667 trees (cork oaks, Portuguese oaks, Pyrenean oaks, birch, ash, and alder) integrated into projects to conserve and promote native plant life and biodiversity sustainability of native species, in the protected areas of Serras da Freita e Arada -São Pedro do Sul (Viseu) and Sintra-Cascais Natural Park (Lisbon). See Compensation Certificate.

Offsetting of 1,000 Mt of CO2 from the Group’s 2021 Carbon Footprint in Portugal, with the reforestation of 1,667 trees (cork oaks, Portuguese oaks, Pyrenean oaks, birch, ash, and alder) integrated into projects to conserve and promote native plant life and biodiversity sustainability of native species, in the protected areas of Serras da Freita e Arada -São Pedro do Sul (Viseu) and Sintra-Cascais Natural Park (Lisbon). See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation in the Nicaragua natural reserve, with 300 trees planted

Reforestation in the Nicaragua natural reserve, with 300 trees planted
Nuestros Proyectos


Employees from MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life planted 1,000 trees in Majjistral Park, managed by the Heritage Parks Federation. The project includes, in addition to planting, maintenance and irrigation for a period of 3 years until the trees can fend for themselves. From then on, maintenance will consist of eliminating exotic species, preventing fires, and monitoring the habitat. Fully grown trees must have a carbon offset of 21 kg of CO₂ per year, or 21,000 kg per year in total.
Furthermore, as part of another reforestation day, MAPFRE volunteers planted 130 trees in a natural environment in Malta

Employees from MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life planted 1,000 trees in Majjistral Park, managed by the Heritage Parks Federation. The project includes, in addition to planting, maintenance and irrigation for a period of 3 years until the trees can fend for themselves. From then on, maintenance will consist of eliminating exotic species, preventing fires, and monitoring the habitat. Fully grown trees must have a carbon offset of 21 kg of CO₂ per year, or 21,000 kg per year in total.
Furthermore, as part of another reforestation day, MAPFRE volunteers planted 130 trees in a natural environment in Malta
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation actions in Honduras that saw 1016 specimens planted in natural areas, urban areas (municipality of San Pedro Sula), and at the Forest Conservation Institute

Reforestation actions in Honduras that saw 1016 specimens planted in natural areas, urban areas (municipality of San Pedro Sula), and at the Forest Conservation Institute
Nuestros Proyectos

Species preservation

Volunteer activity as part of which two tours of the Buena Vista beach (Nicoya) were undertaken, with 6 adult turtles sighted, 8 nests planted, 356 hatchings released, 3 cubic meters of sand removed from the hatchery, and 2 nursery surveillance shifts organized.
Species preservation

Volunteer activity as part of which two tours of the Buena Vista beach (Nicoya) were undertaken, with 6 adult turtles sighted, 8 nests planted, 356 hatchings released, 3 cubic meters of sand removed from the hatchery, and 2 nursery surveillance shifts organized.
Nuestros Proyectos

Species preservation

Release of Turtles in El Salvador
Species preservation

Release of Turtles in El Salvador
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Waste collection workshops on the river banks in the Martínez area (Buenos Aires), with the collection and sorting of 96 kg of waste, categorized into recyclable, non-recyclable, and cigarette butts.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Waste collection workshops on the river banks in the Martínez area (Buenos Aires), with the collection and sorting of 96 kg of waste, categorized into recyclable, non-recyclable, and cigarette butts.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Let’s Take Care of our Beaches, with the collection of 82.5 kilograms of waste on the beach.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Let’s Take Care of our Beaches, with the collection of 82.5 kilograms of waste on the beach.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation

Compensation of 1020.38 tons of CO2e through the Cabeço Santo Association project, an ecological and landscape recovery initiative that intervenes in the area of the Serra do Caramulo, severely degraded by inadequate forestry and the expansion of invasive species. The main activities include the control and elimination of invasive species, planting and sowing of native species, and maintaining the existing woodland.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation

Compensation of 1020.38 tons of CO2e through the Cabeço Santo Association project, an ecological and landscape recovery initiative that intervenes in the area of the Serra do Caramulo, severely degraded by inadequate forestry and the expansion of invasive species. The main activities include the control and elimination of invasive species, planting and sowing of native species, and maintaining the existing woodland.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 9,606 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of MAPFRE’s 2023 emissions in Spain, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 9,606 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of MAPFRE’s 2023 emissions in Spain, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning the Ilopango Lake, with the collection of 46 kilograms of trash.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning the Ilopango Lake, with the collection of 46 kilograms of trash.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat Preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 1,793 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of Funespaña’s 2023 emissions, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Habitat Preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 1,793 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of Funespaña’s 2023 emissions, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat Preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 3,425 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of MAPFRE’s 2023 emissions in Spain, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Habitat Preservation

Habitat preservation project to offset 3,425 tCO2, corresponding to a portion of MAPFRE’s 2023 emissions in Spain, by purchasing credits verified under VCS and CCB standards, in the deforestation prevention project “The Envira Amazonia Project,” in Brazil. The project is located on the banks of the Jurupari River in the Amazon rainforest, in an area degraded by rubber extraction and exposed to extensive deforestation. The project aims to protect the region’s extraordinary biodiversity and generate additional income for families in the area through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Species preservation

Turtle release event at San Diego Beach, La Libertad, with the Funzel Zoological Foundation of El Salvador.
Species preservation

Turtle release event at San Diego Beach, La Libertad, with the Funzel Zoological Foundation of El Salvador.
Nuestros Proyectos


Contribution to the creation of a forest ecosystem by planting 1,328 trees on unused land in the Community of Montes Vecinales in Mano Común de Carballedo, located in Cerdedo-Cotobade, Pontevedra (Galicia). This action involved offsetting 1,001 tCO2e corresponding to part of Funespaña’s carbon footprint in 2023.
See the Compensation Certificate.

Contribution to the creation of a forest ecosystem by planting 1,328 trees on unused land in the Community of Montes Vecinales in Mano Común de Carballedo, located in Cerdedo-Cotobade, Pontevedra (Galicia). This action involved offsetting 1,001 tCO2e corresponding to part of Funespaña’s carbon footprint in 2023.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation initiative aimed at restoring the deteriorated habitat of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) across its entire geographical range.
See the Participation Certificate

Reforestation initiative aimed at restoring the deteriorated habitat of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) across its entire geographical range.
See the Participation Certificate
Nuestros Proyectos


Planting of 20 wild trees in the Tinglar de la Playa La Marina nest conservation area in the Municipality of Hatillo.

Planting of 20 wild trees in the Tinglar de la Playa La Marina nest conservation area in the Municipality of Hatillo.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Collaborating with the Network of Marine Surveyors (ECO & DIVE) and as part of the Libera Project, MAPFRE volunteers took part in an event to clean up the seabed and beaches along cliffs at el Rincón de la Victoria. Additionally, they assisted divers in transporting collected trash from the seabed to the shore for sorting and proper disposal.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Collaborating with the Network of Marine Surveyors (ECO & DIVE) and as part of the Libera Project, MAPFRE volunteers took part in an event to clean up the seabed and beaches along cliffs at el Rincón de la Victoria. Additionally, they assisted divers in transporting collected trash from the seabed to the shore for sorting and proper disposal.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

MAPFRE volunteers participated in the UNITED AGAINST THE LITTERSCAPE campaign, focusing on cleaning up natural spaces in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Teruel. The initiative involved collecting litter in natural areas that can have serious consequences for ecosystems and the environment.
Cleaning of natural spaces

MAPFRE volunteers participated in the UNITED AGAINST THE LITTERSCAPE campaign, focusing on cleaning up natural spaces in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Teruel. The initiative involved collecting litter in natural areas that can have serious consequences for ecosystems and the environment.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in Coruña with the collection of 658 kilograms of trash.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in Coruña with the collection of 658 kilograms of trash.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Clearing litter from the beach and surrounding areas in Villahermosa, Veracruz, Tijuana, and Cancún, with the collection of 135 kilograms of trash.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Clearing litter from the beach and surrounding areas in Villahermosa, Veracruz, Tijuana, and Cancún, with the collection of 135 kilograms of trash.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Working Together for a Clean Beach! Omoa-Cortes.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Working Together for a Clean Beach! Omoa-Cortes.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of the East Coast seawall, with the collection of 2,260 kilograms of waste.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Cleaning of the East Coast seawall, with the collection of 2,260 kilograms of waste.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in IQUITOS and PIURA, with the collection of 415 kilograms of trash.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in IQUITOS and PIURA, with the collection of 415 kilograms of trash.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in different municipalities on the island (Hatillo, Loíza, Vega Baja, Ponce), with the collection of 137 kilograms of trash.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup in different municipalities on the island (Hatillo, Loíza, Vega Baja, Ponce), with the collection of 137 kilograms of trash.
Nuestros Proyectos

Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup event for World Beach Day, with the collection of around 6 tons of waste.
Cleaning of natural spaces

Beach cleanup event for World Beach Day, with the collection of around 6 tons of waste.
Nuestros Proyectos


The Ecological Hike in Bogota involves the planting of 78 trees by the company’s volunteers.

The Ecological Hike in Bogota involves the planting of 78 trees by the company’s volunteers.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation and the creation of new complete forest ecosystems in areas degraded by forest fires or by overexploitation of soils in Cerdedo Cotobade, Pontevedra (Spain). As part of this project, MAPFRE is directly involved in creating forest wealth by planting 4,924 trees, in addition to generating local employment in this rural area and promoting its economy, tourism, and local development. This action involved offsetting 7,454 tons of CO2e corresponding to part of the company’s carbon footprint in 2023.
See the Compensation Certificate.

Reforestation and the creation of new complete forest ecosystems in areas degraded by forest fires or by overexploitation of soils in Cerdedo Cotobade, Pontevedra (Spain). As part of this project, MAPFRE is directly involved in creating forest wealth by planting 4,924 trees, in addition to generating local employment in this rural area and promoting its economy, tourism, and local development. This action involved offsetting 7,454 tons of CO2e corresponding to part of the company’s carbon footprint in 2023.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation event in Morga (Bilbao_Vizcaya) with the LURGAIA FOUNDATION, involving the manual planting of 200 young trees and shrubs using hoes. The initiative aims to restore the biodiversity of the vegetation and improve the local ecosystem.

Reforestation event in Morga (Bilbao_Vizcaya) with the LURGAIA FOUNDATION, involving the manual planting of 200 young trees and shrubs using hoes. The initiative aims to restore the biodiversity of the vegetation and improve the local ecosystem.
Nuestros Proyectos


Caring for our own.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation at the agroecological ranch La Milpa, involving the total planting of 300 specimens.

Reforestation at the agroecological ranch La Milpa, involving the total planting of 300 specimens.
Nuestros Proyectos


Reforestation workshops for endemic species in ecological parks located in the State of Mexico (XOCHIMILCO, ATIZAPÁN).

Reforestation workshops for endemic species in ecological parks located in the State of Mexico (XOCHIMILCO, ATIZAPÁN).
Nuestros Proyectos


Compensation of 72 tons of carbon through the Silvoso B repopulation project registered in the MiTERD and located in the municipality of Ponte de Caldelas (Pontevedra, Galicia), to offset the emissions generated in the celebration of the 2024 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of MAPFRE.
The planting of 497 native coniferous production trees and native hardwoods adapted to this region has been carried out to recover and preserve the ecosystem, reforesting an area of 0.45 hectares of burned area.
See the Compensation Certificate.

Compensation of 72 tons of carbon through the Silvoso B repopulation project registered in the MiTERD and located in the municipality of Ponte de Caldelas (Pontevedra, Galicia), to offset the emissions generated in the celebration of the 2024 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of MAPFRE.
The planting of 497 native coniferous production trees and native hardwoods adapted to this region has been carried out to recover and preserve the ecosystem, reforesting an area of 0.45 hectares of burned area.
See the Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Spain

Compensation of 24,030 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Spain through regenerative agriculture projects (Agreena) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Habitat preservation Spain

Compensation of 24,030 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Spain through regenerative agriculture projects (Agreena) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Brasil

Compensation of 3,518 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Brazil through the avoided deforestation project of Protection of the Serra do Amolar Pantanal (tropical wetland, Brazil). See Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation Brasil

Compensation of 3,518 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Brazil through the avoided deforestation project of Protection of the Serra do Amolar Pantanal (tropical wetland, Brazil). See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Germany

Compensation of 555 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Germany through regenerative agriculture projects (Agreena) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Habitat preservation Germany

Compensation of 555 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Germany through regenerative agriculture projects (Agreena) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Italy

Compensation of 1.112 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Italy through regenerative agriculture local projects (Agroecologic Italia) y deforestación evitada (Envira Amazonia Projet).See Compensation Certificate
Habitat preservation Italy

Compensation of 1.112 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Italy through regenerative agriculture local projects (Agroecologic Italia) y deforestación evitada (Envira Amazonia Projet).See Compensation Certificate
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Mexico

Compensation of 3,137 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Mexico through improved forest management projects (Durango Forest Project, Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Habitat preservation Mexico

Compensation of 3,137 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Mexico through improved forest management projects (Durango Forest Project, Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project). See Compensation Certificate
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Portugal

Compensation of 972 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Portugal through the ecological and landscape restoration project in the Serra do Caramulo. See Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation Portugal

Compensation of 972 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Portugal through the ecological and landscape restoration project in the Serra do Caramulo. See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Turkey

Compensation of 662 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Turkey through improved forest management projects (Candelaria II in Mexico) and renewable energy (Soma III Wind Farm in Turkey). See Compensation Certificate.
Habitat preservation Turkey

Compensation of 662 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Turkey through improved forest management projects (Candelaria II in Mexico) and renewable energy (Soma III Wind Farm in Turkey). See Compensation Certificate.
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation USA

Compensation of 4,651 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in the USA through improved forest management projects (Tri-City Forest Project in Massachusetts, USA) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project).
Habitat preservation USA

Compensation of 4,651 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in the USA through improved forest management projects (Tri-City Forest Project in Massachusetts, USA) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project).
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Peru

Compensation of 2,514 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Peru through avoided deforestation projects (Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve and REDD project in Brazil nut concessions in Madre de Dios).
Habitat preservation Peru

Compensation of 2,514 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Peru through avoided deforestation projects (Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve and REDD project in Brazil nut concessions in Madre de Dios).
Nuestros Proyectos

Habitat preservation Puerto Rico

Compensation of 846 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Puerto Rico through improved forest management projects (Candelaria II in Mexico) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project).
Habitat preservation Puerto Rico

Compensation of 846 tons of CO2 from the operational carbon footprint of the Group in Puerto Rico through improved forest management projects (Candelaria II in Mexico) and avoided deforestation (Envira Amazonia Project).