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Home > Privileged information

Privileged information

In this section, you can find the privileged information filed with the Spanish National Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV) by MAPFRE, in line with the current Spanish legislation.

The company guarantees that these documents are in all respects identical to those filed with the Spanish National Securities and Exchange Commission, either by the company itself or by third parties, whenever, regarding the latter, they were released by MAPFRE. These documents can also be found on the CNMV website.

For documents corresponding to years prior to 2020, please see the Archive of relevant facts on our website.

(07.2023) Information regarding the resolution of the bancassurance agreements with BANKIA

(10.2022) Information on the termination of the Unicaja Banco alliance

(05.2022) Information on the termination of the Unicaja Banco alliance

(04.2022) MAPFRE announces the establishment of the terms of an issue of subordinated notes

(12.2021) Presentation on the termination of the bancassurance agreements with BANKIA and business restructuring in Spain

(12.2021) Information on the termination of the bancassurance agreements with BANKIA

(12.2021) The company announces the final results of the tender offer

(12.2021) The company announces the indicative results of the tender offer

(12.2021) The company announces a security tender offer

(03.2021) Information on bancassurance agreements with BANKIA

(03.2020) Strategic plan targets update