SUSTAINABILITY | 07.22.2024Green purchasing: the strategy of future companiesAnalyzing the value chain and promoting the purchase of "green" goods and services from...
ECONOMY| 07.18.2024The major challenges facing Latin AmericaLatin America is experiencing weak growth and faces the conundrum of a second lost decade. The region is suffering...
The world of employment is always changing. For International Workers’ Day, MAPFRE is analyzing certain factors related to demand for new job positions and the skillsets required in the current situation, which has been dominated by the rapid growth of trends due to the pandemic, in an effort to identify trends that can strengthen the company’s ability to adapt to the future.
SUSTANABILITY| 30.04.2021 How do we achieve meaningful workforce integration for people with intellectual disabilities? [maco_author...
INNOVATION| 28.04.2021Hyperloop, a 19th-century idea to help colonize Mars[maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8"...
ECONOMY| 27.04.2021Why do Mexicans receive the smallest pensions in Latin America? [maco_author author="user_19"...
INSURANCE| 26.04.2021 Could a pandemic be an insurable risk? Only through public-private collaboration [maco_author author="user_24"...
SUSTAINABILITY | 23.04.2021MAPFRE investments: profitable and sustainable [maco_author author="user_13"...
TRANSFORMATION| 23.04.2021Accelerating trends in the sphere of international relations[maco_author author="user_13"...
INNOVATION| 21.04.2021NFT, the metaverse and what to expect from this technology@estebanoOne of the on-trend acronyms in recent weeks...
INNOVATION| 21.04.2021 Flyreel joins forces with MAPFRE to bring its clients the most advanced artificial intelligence solution for...
SUSTAINABILITY| 20.04.2021 MAPFRE Global Risks strengthens its commitment to sustainable energy generation [maco_author...