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HEALTH| 03.04.2020

Tips for building a resilient profile that will mean COVID-19 makes us stronger

Jose Miguel Sánchez

Motivational psychologist, specializing in business and sport.
IE Business Professor and Executive Coach

The choice is yours as to whether you come out of the state of emergency as you were before, worse off or stronger. To achieve the latter, it is best to develop your inner strength so that you are in the best possible position to face whatever the future brings. These key points will help you:

1. Draw support from your friends, family and coworkers who will make you feel strong when you are struggling.

2. Take charge of the situation and give your all to facing this pandemic, because it is an opportunity for continued growth. If you make yourself a victim, you’ll experience negative thoughts that will drag you down.

3. Embrace the change. It’s the best option at the moment, when everything is in transformation. Don’t just accept it. Instead, consider this change as an opportunity. Develop skills and resources to prepare yourself for difficult periods after COVID-19.

4. Know what you want to do differently when this situation is over. This is the key to future success. Set small objectives for the short- and medium-term and larger long-term objectives.

5. Remember that the actions you take are key in handling any change. You won’t make progress unless your awareness is accompanied by concrete actions. Be decisive in taking these actions, be confident in yourself and you’ll soon be on track.

6. Take this opportunity to reflect, to better understand yourself and to discover your own potential. Good self-awareness means that you can identify, generate and use all the resources you have to deal with trying situations.

7. You can choose how you see yourself. Choosing a positive stance gives you an advantage because it is not what happens to you that is important, but how you face it.

8. Qualify the situation. This will help give you some distance from the wider pandemic in order to overcome your own situation objectively and effectively. Things are not always as bad as may expect. In difficult times, fear will magnify negative situations. To counteract this, putting things in perspective will allow you to see solutions to the situation.

9. Be realistic and focus on the good things around you. This will help you to realize how lucky you are and you’ll be able to enjoy life more. Looking to the future and remembering that this will not last forever helps you to see things differently.

10. Look after your health, eat well and exercise. These are key to maintaining a good physical and mental state that will enable you to conquer this challenge.


You’ll need determination to turn these tips into reality, self-discipline to avoid lowering your guard and passion to enjoy the benefits. When you do, the results are extraordinary.

From the thousands of messages you receive today about COVID-19, help your brain to retain those that bring you closer to the well-being that your future holds.