Madrid 2,84 EUR 0,02 (0,64 %)
Madrid 2,84 EUR 0,02 (0,64 %)

HEALTH| 16.09.2021

MAPFRE has launched 70 health programs around the world since the beginning of the pandemic

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Our solutions and services reach more than 13 million MAPFRE insured parties and beneficiaries in 21 countries. About 85% can access healthcare through digital solutions. Services were reinforced in psychological and nutritional counseling in the worst year of our lives.

If there is one thing people have been demanding since March 2020, it has been a reliable, efficient, and agile healthcare service. With the spread of the coronavirus, personal safety for ourselves and our loved ones have become an irreplaceable value. According to various sources, the COVID-19 pandemic has led most people to rethink their health insurance needs.


From the outset, MAPFRE has been involved in this area in the 21 countries where it operates in healthcare, strengthening its programs around the world to serve insured parties at a particularly difficult time, expanding services and digitizing them as part of its commitment to telemedicine and adding value.

In this way, it launched 68 programs internationally, in addition to those provided by Savia and MAPFRE Salud benefits in Spain. Of the 14 million insured parties and beneficiaries globally, 11 million were able to access products and services through digital solutions.


A leap in digitization

In this sense, Covid served as a technological boost, as it has not always been possible to go to the family doctor or hospital, exercise to keep fit, or receive psychological care.

Savia, MAPFRE’s digital platform in Spain, recently celebrated its second anniversary with more than 260,000 registered users and 300,000 annual consultations received. The most popular services were videoconsultations, medical chats, and the symptom evaluator with the use of general medicine and the specialties of gynecology, nutrition, pediatrics, and psychology of note.

It played a leading role during lockdown by activating a free service for consultations in the event of symptoms and other health-related issues. This summer it launched the psychological video consultation, where patients can choose the day and time of appointments with a specialist.

MAPFRE’s health insurance in Spain also has coverage that allows many procedures to be streamlined, which is especially valued in these times. Among them, in addition to video consultations or medical chats, you can request authorization for health benefits, settle your medical and pharmaceutical expenses, make appointments online, and self-manage many aspects of your health and insurance through the MAPFRE Salud app.

Another very important aspect is that MAPFRE in Spain has 15 of its own medical centers where it offers the possibility of testing for COVID-19 antibodies or receiving post-COVID care (counseling, monitoring of the disease and a medical assessment to learn about the progression and possible complications of the illness). 


“From the outset, MAPFRE has been involved in this area in the 21 countries where it operates in healthcare, strengthening its programs around the world”

With 4 million customers, “Vida Plena” in Brazil was an example of a program to promote greater mental and physical well-being, complementing the provision of services traditionally linked to health. It offered teleconsultation and care from nutritionists and fitness experts.

During the pandemic in the Dominican Republic, for example, the telemedicine service for women was reinforced at a time of excessive responsibilities and increased burdens at home. In the country, MAPFRE has established itself as a leading insurance company and, through the MAPFRE Salud ARS brand, oversees overall risk management and provides services with an approach that has recently been recognized as a model of public-private collaboration.

In Mexico, “Mi Futuro Contigo,” which was launched during the onset of the crisis, was designed specifically for families with disabled members, offering them tailor-made solutions.

Examples of how MAPFRE continues to work to respond to and anticipate the needs of its 30 million customers in all lines of business, including health. The insurance company takes into account the specificities of each market on every continent when implementing the best solutions and is aware that integral health is a priority asset to be protected.