Madrid 2,84 EUR 0,02 (0,64 %)
Madrid 2,838 EUR 0,02 (0,57 %)
ECONOMY | 27.05.2021

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“We invest in the best opportunities, even in stocks forgotten by the market”

A year and a half ago, MAPFRE teamed up with Boyar Value Group and have since created the MAPFRE US Forgotten Value fund, based on the search for the best opportunities in the markets. In an interview with Actualidad Económica magazine, Jonathan Boyar, president of the American firm, analyzes the core components of this product, which has risen more than 20% so far this year.

“The philosophy of value investing applies to both life and work”

The noise of the latest news has not stopped some funds from taking a different path to the market and investing in lesser-known assets. Luis García, fund manager at MAPFRE AM, explains the importance of behavioral economics and seeking out value in the investment decisions of the MAPFRE AM Behavioral Fund, which has posted a return of more than 60% over the last 12 months, outperforming its benchmark index.

“When setting investment objectives, we need to keep the family unit in mind”

Stock markets are focusing on a possible reversal of monetary policy by central banks. In one of his regular appearance on Radio Intereconomía, Alberto Matellán, chief economist at MAPFRE Inversión, analyzes what’s driving the market and recommends retail investors to take into account the family unit when setting objectives for their respective portfolios.

Ratification of the EU-Mercosur agreement would open up opportunities for insurance

The EU-Mercosur trade pact, agreed in principle in 2019 and still pending ratification, would affect a total of 780 million people, opening up increased trading channels and opportunities and improving the economies of all the countries involved, in addition to giving a much-needed boost to projects linked to sustainability, infrastructure, education and digitalization.

“Until mass vaccination is taking place in India, recovery will be greatly hindered”

The growth of the world economy will be conditioned by the vaccination campaign and the expansion of new variants of COVID-19. In an interview on Capital Radio, Gonzalo de Cadenas-Santiago, director of macroeconomics and financial analysis at MAPFRE Economics, suggests that sustainable development objectives are taking a back seat and estimates that recovery after the pandemic will be very uneven among countries.

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