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Madrid 2,638 EUR -0,02 (-0,6 %)

CORPORATE| 13.10.2021

We believe in you. Do you?

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Behind your achievements there’s always you, supported by the people you trust. At MAPFRE we know that trust is the main component of the reputation of an insurance company. We see it as an unshakable bond that ties us to the customers who have chosen us as their traveling companion and, in general, with all the stakeholders who believe in us.

MAPFRE’s own Chairman and CEO, Antonio Huertas, described it as “the beginning of every relationship, whatever its type,” in the Dictionary of Reputation and Business Intangibles edited by Justo Villafañe.

Trust is connected to insurance. When we sell a commitment and customers buy into it, it is because they trust that we will deliver what they expect when they need it.


What is #ConfianzaMAPFRE? 

Because the essence of trust is you, as you pursue your biggest dreams and your next goals, no matter how far you have to travel. This is explained in detail by Eva Piera, the Group Chief External Relations and Communication Officer of MAPFRE.


A year ago, we launched a campaign aimed at encouraging people to aim for the impossible, reminding them that we will always be there for them as a company they trust. We launched Kilometers of Trust, a campaign in which, given the need to work to overcome challenges, we proposed running a marathon. At MAPFRE we prepare and help those who trust us to reach the finish line.


We believe in you. And do you?

But if the red thread of fate is true, each of us carries a ribbon knotted around our ankle or little finger that connects us to a soul mate or loved one. We are not alone in our journey.

In keeping with this thousand-year-old history originating in East Asia—but which can be extrapolated to all cultures—we pursue our dreams in the company of the people who are most deeply connected to us. Accordingly, trust in ourselves and our own strengths is boosted by the people who are with us along the way.


Let nothing stop you

The first meaning of trust, as a firm hope that one has for someone or something, acquires a deeper meaning in its other meaning of “courage, encouragement, and vigor to act.”

For MAPFRE, that stride is called “Trust II,” where each story, person, and dream to come true has more leading actors: the trusted figures who shared in some way the ability to reach the goal.


The game that became a passion 

The red thread of MAPFRE’s Trust II stories on social networks began with Fernando Alonso, Alpine F1 driver, who goes back to his childhood to share how his passion for Formula 1 and his own story of success began. “Behind every competition, standing with him” are his father and sister, who are also bound to his unstoppable destiny.

And don’t you stop either, because MAPFRE is with you.