Madrid 2,432 EUR 0,02 (0,75 %)
Madrid 2,432 EUR 0,02 (0,75 %)

CORPORATE | 09.28.2020

MAPFRE creates a Technology, Innovation and Transformation Advisory Council



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The MAPFRE Board of Directors today agreed to create a Technology, Innovation and Transformation Advisory Council, a new advisory body whose main function will be to provide advice to MAPFRE’s governing bodies on decisions related to technology, innovation and transformation.

In addition to this advice, the Council will analyze the main strategic and operational plans related to technology, transformation and innovation developed by the Group, make proposals to be presented to the MAPFRE Board, and prepare an annual report on essential strategic aspects aimed at improving the company’s technological development, with special emphasis on those that must be reinforced or reoriented.

The Council is to be chaired by Antonio Huertas and three company executives will act as members, along with four external experts with extensive experience in technology management, transformation and innovation. Other professionals with recognized experience in business technology management may later join them.

As far as the external members go, the initial composition features Rosa García, former president of Siemens Spain and general manager of Microsoft for nine years; Bernardo Hernández, entrepreneur and former global manager at Google; Juan Pedro Moreno, former president of Accenture Spain; and Benito Vázquez, founder and former CEO of Everis, the multinational consultancy firm.

On the part of the company, in addition to the chairman and CEO, Francisco Marco and José Manuel Inchausti will form part of this advisory body. José Antonio Arias, Chief Innovation Officer of MAPFRE, who leads MAPFRE Open Innovation, the company’s open innovation platform, will act as secretary to the council.