INNOVATION | 09.18.2024Health prevention: What can the insurance industry do?Disease prevention and improving health are one of the most important priorities on the social...
INNOVATION | 08.01.2024What impact artificial intelligence will have on risk management within the regulatory frameworkOn March 14, the world's first comprehensive legal framework to regulate AI was approved in Brussels. On August 1, it will enter into force,...
Desde 2005, ha surgido una nueva generación de coches eléctricos. Impulsados por el atractivo que suponen los vehículos de bajas emisiones y el movimiento
INNOVATION | 16.09.2020The advantages of smart cities in the new normal[maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8"...
INNOVATION | 09.04.2020Sport during and after coronavirus[maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8"...
TECHNOLOGY | 02.09.2020 Detecting earthquakes now possible thanks to google [maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8"...
INNOVATION | 15.07.2020Startups' innovative model is key in the post-COVID-19 scenario[maco_author author="user_13"...
INNOVATION | 07.08.2020"We need a new social contract to ensure that sensitive data always stay in the right hands"@martivillAlthough...
TECHNOLOGY| 06.01.2020Is math capable of changing the future? @MicrosiervosKevin Systrom is a computer scientist and millionaire. He...
TECHNOLOGY | 05.19.2020Drones fighting the pandemic, a tool as effective as it is controversial[maco_author author="user_13"...
TECHNOLOGY | 05.18.2020F1 puts its technology to use in the fight against coronavirus[maco_author author="user_13"...
TECHNOLOGY | 05.06.2020A brain-computer interface that "translates" our thoughts@MicrosiervosMuch is being done to create...
TECHNOLOGY| 26.03.2020Technology, our ally against the coronavirus [maco_author author="user_34"...
TRANFORMATION | 06.03.2020Younger generations want to enjoy working, not surrender their lives to a company[maco_author...