The Audit Committee is an internal advisory and informative body created by the Board of Directors, without executive functions and with powers of information, advice and proposal within its remit.
It shall comprise a minimum of three and a maximum of five non-executive directors, the majority of whom shall be independent directors.
Its responsibilities include internal control, internal audit, risk management, financial and non-financial information (including sustainability information), account auditing and verification of sustainability information.
Francesco Paolo Vanni d’Archirafi
Chairman (Independent)
Ana Isabel Fernández Álvarez
Member (Independent)
Antonio Gómez Ciria
Member (Independent)
Pilar Perales Viscasillas
Member (Independent)
José Luis Perelli Alonso
Member (Independent)
José Miguel Alcolea Cantos
Jaime Álvarez De Las Asturias Bohorques Rumeu
Deputy Secretary