Madrid 2,214 EUR 0,02 (+1,1 %)
Madrid 2,214 EUR 0,02 (+1,1 %)

Sustainable facilities

Home > Sustainability > Environment > Environmental Footprint > Sustainable construction

We include environmental criteria in the design, construction, and refurbishment of our buildings and facilities, opting for the best construction solutions with the lowest impact on the environment, which are compliant with the strictest sustainable construction quality standards.

Our 2030 Objetives

Sustainable buildings

Sustainable certification for 50% percent of the surface area of the main office buildings and buildings owned by the Group

Creation and expansion of our

“Green office”

Our certifications

Torre MAPFREEspañaBarcelonaLeedCore&ShellGold
General Perón 40EspañaMadridLeedCore&ShellGold
Pza. de la Independencia, 6EspañaMadridLeedCore&ShellGold
Sor Ángela de la Cruz, 6EspañaMadridLeedCore&ShellPlatinum
Sant Cugat del Vallés
Edif. CUBS 2-CUBS 3
EspañaSant Cugat
Torre EvoluciónMéxicoMéxico D.F.LeedCore&ShellGold
Torre ReformaMéxicoMéxico D.F.LeedCore&ShellGold
MAPFRE SedeParaguayAsunciónLeedNew ConstructionSilver
MAPFRE SedeTurquíaEstambulLeedCommercial
Dixon HouseReino UnidoLondresBreeamConstructionsVery Good
MAPFRE SedePuerto RicoSan Juan de
Puerto Rico
Energy StarEficiencia
No aplica
Avda. Bruselas, 30EspañaAlcobendas
LeedCore&ShellObjetivo oro
Mateo Inurria, 15EspañaMadridLeedCore&ShellObjetivo básico
Paseo de la Alameda, 35EspañaValenciaLeedNew ConstructionObjetivo oro

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